Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pedaling Techniques

I thought everyone could ride a bike....
The other day I talked to a friend of mine and he told me that I need to pull my leg backwards when the leg is in its "resting" position in order to become more efficient.

I got a little scared because I have never done that and the mere thought of activating the back of my leg when pushing down on the other side would feel really strange.

Last night I started to investigate and quickly became aware of new ground braking biking technical terms like – Scraping of the mud…..

Don´t know if this is of any relevance to any of you at all but the avi gave me some new things to train when hitting the roads very soon…

Wonder how this affects the FTP J


  1. I hear these things all the time, but really find it hard to put in to real life. Maybe I´m just a prodigy (pedal) stroker (nudge nudge), but I find it harder and more energy consuming no matter what I try to changing when pedaling. I have done some one-footed pedaling and THAT actually taught me my stroke - dunno.

    Try these changes out with a Power Meter (maybe on the static bike) and see if you measure any difference in output at same HR ?

  2. If one only get 5 - 10% it will be difficult to actually get a good reading from the Watt / HR.
    I think is more a question of getting the feel for your pedal “stroke” the exercise can give me (you).
    If you are more conscious of what your legs are doing I guess the benefit are apparent. The difficult part is how to get your muscle memory to change and let go of your “bad habits”
    Someone like you Thomas may need to look into this a bit more in order to get last 10 minutes from your bike = Kona :-)
    Ask Guillermo – could be interesting to hear his point of view on this subject.
